Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Nundle NSW

Nundle is a little village south east of Tamworth - I think (I'm totally confused by the maps and signage of Tamworth).

Nundle became a village after gold was found at nearby Hanging Rock in the early 1850's. The general area was known as Peel River, honouring Sir Robert Peel - PM of Great Britain - in 1818 by Surveyor General Oxley. The name Nundul appeared on maps as early as 1842, and is the Aboriginal word for mouth and may refer to the mouth of the Nundle Creek where it flows into the Peel River.

It is located about 50kms from Tamworth. We drove along the New England Highway and turned off when our GPS told us to :).

The roads off the highway were like this. Hilly, some trees, dry grass and predominantly cattle and sheep country.

It was a very hot day and the cattle were finding shade under the trees. We were hoping that as we were going up into the edge of the range it would be a little cooler there. We were also aware of the bushfires around us, the closest one was 43kms away from Nundle, although as we were leaving Nundle a few hours later the fire trucks were heading to Hanging Rock National Park.

We decided to have lunch first and couldn't find the picnic spot by the Nundle Creek so headed to Hanging Rock. This is what the roads were like as we got into the National Park and headed up to the Rock.

It was very very high up and very steep looking down.
Photos don't really show that.

 I guess some people need to be reminded to keep safe!!

Oh, and it wasn't cooler up here!

 I had read about the log cabin picnic area, so we decided to have lunch there.

 This would be really special in winter with a log fire - and wood was provided - but this time of year it is hot, unusually hot this year, and there is a total fire ban.

This was our lunch - Jonnie was not happy as I forgot the Vegemite.

After, I wanted to go to the toilet, well after trekking down the back and looking at the toilet, I decided I didn't need to go.

Can you see why? :)

Next stop was the Hanging Rock Cemetery. Peter is so use to us visiting cemeteries, but this is the first one this trip.  

These are the graves for the Ashton Family of Ashton's Circus fame. The graves and plaques were a bit confusing. Mary Ashton's grave is above - she dies at Hanging Rock at the age of 19 while giving birth.
There is also a plaque saying Mary Ashton is buried in Maitland! 
So.... after some research (I love Family History),.... The Aston Family Circus is the oldest circus in Australia. James Henry Ashton (1818-1889) founded the circus in the early 1800's. James was an equestrian and registered his circus in 1852. James had 3 wives and 12 children. He visited Hanging Rock in Aug 1852. His second wife, Mary Anne Riley, an Irish immigrant, died at 19 in childbirth 11 days after giving birth to Mary Ann Catherine, on 27 Aug 1852, and is buried at Hanging Rock. Their daughter Mary Ann Catherine died at Maitland 2 months later and is buried in Maitland. In May 1953, Henry married his third wife, Elizabeth Critchley at Hanging Rock and gave the first performance of his Ashton's Olympic Circus.
James and his family travelled eastern Australia and it is believed that Ned Kelly even attended Ashton's Circus. 
James Henry, when he was in his seventies, he passed the circus management to his sons James and Fred.
Sheba Dam on Barry's Road was built at the end of the gold rushes to provide water to the fossikers. 
 There is free camping here.

We then headed back to Nundle.

Saw these interesting mailboxes along the way.  


This is my kind of of mailbox. It belongs to a Quilting Retreat just outside of Nundle.
"The Cottage on the Hill."

Built late 1880's. In the main street of Nundle - Jenkins St.

This is a park that was built as part of the Economic Stimulus Plan.
It is a playground with a sheep theme,

The central cubby house was really lovely. Solid timber and would make a great live-in cabin.

The playground is built in front of the Woollen Mill, which sadly was closed the day we went.
The mill still used the original machinery to make the wool.

Another cheap camping area was Chaffey Dam. There were a lot of vans there, and it would be a great place to stay for a number of days in the right weather - fish, kayak, just chill out.
Peter said we'll need the generator for the cold - I said he would have to put a jumper on!!

So that was Nundle. 
See http://petallitraveller-arewethereyet.blogspot.com.au/2013/01/and-extreme-weather-continues.html
for our adventure on the way home.


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